Order Of Combat And Other Combat Subjects

Roll for Initiative

Declare Actions

Missile Attack Phase

Magic Phase (Spells Start)


Melee Attack Phase (When Swords Swing and Daggers Sting)

Magic Spells Activate (Go off now unless the spell description says otherwise)

*Additional Missile Attack Phase

Additional Melee Attack Phase

Roll for Morale Checks

Re Roll Initiative (Rinse and Repeat)

*Every character and NPC gets 1 strike and then to the next player. No hogging of turns. The Initiative Order must be kept until the next round.

Roll of Natural 20 In Melee – Will always be a hit and in addition the Attacker will be awarded an Attack of Opportunity (Attacks of Opportunity are like interrupts and happen right now). Re-roll the dice for the additional attack opportunity. It is assumed the attacker did something very right or the defender did something very wrong.

Roll of Natural 1 In Melee – Will always be a miss and in addition the Defender will be awarded an Attack of Opportunity. The Attack of Opportunity happens right now. Roll dice to attack. Then we go back to the original pattern set by the Initiative Roll.

Roll of Natural 20 for Missile Attack – Will always be a hit and in addition the attacker will be awarded a +2 on their next Missile Attack this Combat Scene.

Roll of Natural 1 for Missile Attack – Will always be a miss and in addition the attacker will re-roll with +2 to strike an ally in the Combat Scene. If no ally nearby then re-roll the attack to hit self with +2 on the roll.

Ye Mighty and Terrible CLEAVE RULE (Aka Magic User we don’t need Fireball)
If the attacker can hit and kill with one attack (One Hit Wonder) an opponent in melee combat. Then the attacker will be allowed to move up to 5ft and take an Attack of Opportunity on a new target.
*Example – 30 goblins of ½ HD attack a 10th Level Magic User. The Magic User wins the Initiative and decides to melee attack with a staff the goblins. Rolls to strike and hits the goblin. In this way doing enough damage to kill the goblin with one hit. Is then awarded an Attack of Opportunity which kills another goblin. This continues 28 more times until there are no more goblins to fight. It all took place in one round of combat. The goblins sadly never received their turn.

Fighters, Dwarf, Elf, and Hin (Halfling) get Cleave at Level 1.
Specialist get Cleave at Level 3
Clerics get Cleave at Level 5
Magic Users get Cleave at Level 7

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